Gareth has very kindly shared a lovey pic of him in 1981, the year Priority Insurance was started to compare with now !! Gareth has been in the mortgage business since 1995 and is currently employed as Mortgage Advisor with PIFS for the last 2 years. I help new and existing clients through there mortgage journey to find the new home. Gareth hails from Cadamstown, Broadford, Co. Kildare with his wife Eileen and daughter Rachel(who has just finished 3 year in College). Describe your values and how they form your career. – There is always a positive, its just a matter of knowing how to find it, which is a skill in itself. Briefly tell us who you are outside of work – Gareth is an unpaid Family taxi driver, gardener and is brutal at DIY. He Loves to Travel home or away (within the allowed restrictions of course) i.e. home is within the county and away is outside the county). His family and friends like when he take long walks, but keeps on coming back though